Graylog: one tool to log 'em all
There are 10 kinds of people: the ones who already log stuff and the ones who will. ;-) But what can be fascinating about logging? It’s just adding some statements of given level to a file in /var/log, so what’s this presentation for in the fist place? Well, ordinary adding lines to /var/log and tracing them with tail -f or searching with grep is so… 1980 and inefficient. Meet Graylog: a centralised and distributed log management system. A tool, which will let you gather, process, analyse logs from many sources: syslog, your application, Apache/Nginx, database, firewall, etc. It can alert, search all ways through, analyse the logs no matter what language/technology sent them. And it makes that good. And is Open Source. This presentation is about some gotchas based on real-life experience, quick Graylog setup, wiring your apps/systems/servers, analysing logs after. Even if the machine which sent them is already gone.
This talk (in various formats) has been presented at Geecon Poland, Java Developer Days, 4Developers, Wrocław JUG and others.