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Java 14 introduced records as a preview feature. There was (is?) a decent amount of confusion, declarations and even heavy insults against ‘enemy’ libraries and IDE plugins. Let me take part in thi s, please.
Java 14 brought Records as one of the preview features. For many it was reasonable to say “no more JavaBeans code generation” or “Lombok is dead”. Is that really the case? What one can do with records and what can’t? What about reflection and serialization? \ This talk has been presented at e.g., CodeCamp Romania, JPoint.
Hey, there are two major Java versions released every year! We don’t have to wait 3 years or so for new features any more. Isn’t that cool? ;-) So… would you like to check out what has happened in Java 14? Switch expressions available to public? No more NPEs? Record types? Pattern matching? Text blocks? If you find them interesting, let’s dive deep together into new interesting stuff. This talk has been presented at Wrocław JUG and Warszawa JUG.

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