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Integration tests are nice. We all know that and love using them, don’t we? It’s just using all those databases, message brokers and other things as real dependencies, only wrapped by Testcontainers, might result in a really heavy CI/CD pipeline and developers' attitude to never run them locally, because they’re so slooooooooooow. What if I could show you a number of techniques, mindset changes and tricks to get your integration tests shortened from quarters to seconds?
I had a great pleasure to take part in the JAVIPS online 2020.
“The best sorting algorithm is quick sort." “Indexes make DB faster." “Data should be sorted using ORDER BY." “Composition - good; inheritance - not good." “Windows is an operating system." “You must have transactions in your DB." “Java is slow." “Don’t eat yellow snow." “You shall not self-sign your certificates." “Interrupt in Java is broken.” The IT world is full of mantras/revealed truth, passed (often in oral tradition) among developer tribes.

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